How to effectively communicate your boundaries at workplace ?
2 min read
1️⃣Understand that establishing boundaries is not only about you. Work relationships, just like any other relationship, involve two people, and both are expected to have the space to bring in their point of view. When you approach a discussion about your boundaries with the goal of jointly coming up with a solution, the topic shifts from boundaries to how to work with the business to get a win-win solution where both of your requirements are satisfied.
2️⃣ Prepare before having the actual conversation. Preparing for a conversation about boundaries would include thinking about the kind of relationship you share with this colleague, what are your shared goals, what are your expectations, what are the qualities that you admire about this person and what are the behaviors displayed by them that push your boundaries, and you would like them to change.
3️⃣ Talk about your boundaries, once you feel prepared. Talking about how crossing of boundaries in the past has impacted you and your work, and how setting up a particular boundary is important for your overall wellbeing and performance at work.
Remember to be respectful and yet assertive.