Dealing effectively with distress using STOP skill of DBT technique

Dealing effectively with distress using STOP skill of DBT technique

3 min read
STOP Skill consists of: S: Stop- Don’t react when emotions don’t feel under control. Freezing for a moment helps prevent one from being influenced by emotions and to act without thinking. It helps to stay in control and put a label on the emotion T: Take a step back- When one faces a challenging situation, it may be difficult to think about how to deal with it on the spot. Giving some time off to calm down and think is really helpful in making decisions on how to respond. O: Observe- Observing in an acute manner what is happening around and within one, Listen to one’s Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs) that occur. To make effective choices, it is important NOT to jump to conclusions → Instead, gather the relevant facts so you can understand what is going on and what options are available. P: Proceed Mindfully- Asking oneself “What do I want from this situation?” “What are my goals?” “What choice might make this situation better or worse?” “What act will allow for success?”